I just finished my technology enhanced lesson plan. This lesson plan is serving two purposes - one for Dr.
Luongo and the course requirements, and the other as a base for our
NJASK8 review scheduled for next week, during which I will be evaluated by my supervisor. The lesson plan that I sent to Dr.
Luongo, will be modified for my classes to include another objective, interest - which must be added to the existing objective of reviewing commission, sales tax, percent of earnings. These four objectives must be reviewed in one 40 minute period.
In this 40 minute period, we need to grasp our students attention, teach the material, have them do some practice work, see of they "get it" and then give them some homework so that we may further evaluate and they may have some more practice. When I see the lesson plans on paper - it seems like a really big task and sometimes it is - but somehow we get it done!
I usually use an overhead to introduce the lesson and I have a projector and a laptop - our book comes with
pre-written power point lessons for those students who are more visual learners.
This time - I will introduce the
WebQuest at the end of clas and my students - all of them are actually going to do this project - that I wrote during this course - as a project assignment. The project is going to be "kicked off" during their computer period by the computer teacher and me. I am very excited about this and so are they - something new and fun! This gives addtional time for independent learning - as we have to move on to the curriculum specified for 4
th quarter. The
WebQuest provides a way of revisiting old material and hopefully helping those who did not master the material, get a better understanding.
There was a lot of information given to us in the course - so much that it will take some time to go through it and take advantage of what will pertain to each of us individually. I know I am sometimes a little on the negative side about technology - actually the misuse of technology - but I really believe that technology does enhance the curriculum - we just have to be responsible and keep our kids in check - we need to make sure we don't become lazy and expect technology to do our jobs for us - because we know that as long as we work very hard - and make sure our kids do - we will make a difference.
Thanks Dr.
Luongo for all of the great information!