Friday, March 20, 2009

School Web Page

I asked if we are able to use the Scholastic Web Page and we are in the district I work for. I asked why no one uses a website, like Scholastic, to post individual web pages, and some of the teachers stated that it is really a lot of work to maintain the web site and after doing it for a while some of them stopped. I can understand this happening - keeping your web page up to date is alot of work and if it is not maintained properly, one leaves themselves open to much criticism from administration and parents.

A few years ago, I was the web site administrator for the school's web site that I was working for. If this site was not updated immediately with school emergency information such as snow day or sports information like basketball games, the parents complained. Some of the veteran teachers were opposed to maintaining a web site as they were not interested in learning something new - many felt that a web site was not necessary and they also complained.

Although I sometimes do not agree with some of the comments regarding usage or over usage of technology in the classroom, I do believe that a web page is extremely informative and helps parents, students and teachers equally.


  1. I think having a web page is very important. Yes, it needs to be maintained and updated. If it is important to you, it will become part of your daily life. If not, I guess it is better not to have one. However, why not try? If you find it does not work, you can always stop using it and explain to parents that it was not working and why.

    Thanks for posting these thoughts, and getting us thinking!

  2. I can understand why veteran teachers would not be excited about maintaining the website, its difficult to find the time. Speaking from experience I can tell you that if the website is not a part of the original plan for your class, it's tough to add it later. I think the biggest thing is to at least be open to new ideas, I don't think it can hurt.
